Why Develop Android Applications using Kotlin

Why Develop Android Applications using Kotlin

Kotlin programming for Android was presented by Tomasz. To let you know, Jetbrains, the company behind IntelliJ, one of the most popular Java programs today, may be developing a new artificial language called Kotlin. Kotlin has the potential to be an all-purpose language, much like Java. It is used alongside Java and has no performance cost since it conforms to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) bytecode.

Kotlin is effective and open source

The first thing you should know about Kotlin is that it's an easy-to-use, open-source language. Compared to Java code, it minimized the length of the code lines. Additionally, Kotlin offers a tool that allows developers to transform pre-existing Java code.Kotlin makes it easier to understand the language and code apps more quickly.

Support for Java Interoperability with Kotlin

It is possible to utilize Kotlin-written classes in Java and vice versa.Thus, developers will find it simple to incorporate the greatest features from Kotlin and Java.

For instance, there won't be any problems if we create a Pojo/Model class in Kotlin and utilize it in an Android Java activity.

Class Kotlin: class UserData { var fName: String? = null var lName: String? = null }

Activity in Java: public class AppCompatActivity { @ Override protected void is extended by MainActivity. setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); UserData data = new UserData(); Log.v("first Name:"+data.fName);}}

The characteristic of lazy loading

Every app development process requires a fast loading speed. Kotlin has a feature called lazy loading. This is essentially the sluggish loading functionality. It will help you reduce the app's startup time when you use Kotlin for Android development. Kotlin for Android developers may load just essential and relevant resources into the main memory by using the lazy-loading functionality.

For quicker loading, a lazy-loading feature may simply prioritize the primary resources and maintain the load in the main memory while storing other resources in secondary memory.

Kotlin's Null Safety

Using the? operator in Kotlin makes it simple to prevent the major error null pointer exception.

For instance:

val num: null, Int?

Only if the number is not null will the second line of the code below be run. You may use the Elvis operator for that. which will appear as follows (?:):

As an illustration:

val num Int? = null Val numberInString = num?"Num is null" is returned by toString()?

A NullPointerException may also be raised using the! operator in the same manner as in Java. The code below will result in a NullPointerException:

As an illustration:

var num: Null num! = Int?toString()

Functions of Extension

Kotlin developers often refer to Extension Functions as Standard Library Functions. Developers benefit from this significant feature in several ways.

A function's name must be prefixed with its recipient type in order to be declared.

As an illustration:

MutableList is entertaining.swap(digits 1 and 2: Int, respectively) { val tmpVar = this[digit 1] // 'this' is the list's value This [digit 1] equals this [digit 2]. tmpVar = this[digit2]

Kotlin Data Classes with Java, creating a model or POJO class using setters and getters is a typical practice. However, with Kotlin, all that is required is the addition of data in front of the class to build a model or POJO class. In Kotlin, you may reach their members directly, eliminating the requirement for getters and setters.

Class Kotlin: class UserData { var fName: String? = null var lName: String? = null }

Public class is the Java class. UserData { private String fName; private String lName; public String getFName() { return fName; }) public String getLName() { return lName; } public void setFName(String firstName) { this.fName = firstName; }

public void setLastName(String lastName) { this.lName = lastName; }}

In conclusion

You can now see why Kotlin is becoming more and more well-liked. In conclusion, compared to Java, Kotlin allows you to write Android apps faster. Although it is still a relatively young programming language, I believe it has reached a point where it is suitable for creating production applications. How to open BIN files on Android, use a compatible file extractor or disc image tool, such as ZArchiver, to unpack and access the contents stored within the binary format.